LEED for Commercial Buildings

When it comes to green design, Chuck Lohre takes the LEED

ChuckLohreLEED Platinum Home/Office Project

There’s a good chance you might miss marketing communications agency Lohre & Associates’ Over-the-Rhine office the first time you pass it.

The rugged, three-story brick row house could easily be mistaken for another trendy rehabbed residence primed for Cincinnati urbanites.

What’s inside, though, is the environmental brainchild of the agency’s president, Chuck Lohre. It’s just one of the green building projects that meld his architectural background with a genuine fascination with sustainability.

What’s exceptional about Lohre’s office, however, is that he only spent around $9,500 on the overhaul – including the $3,000 LEED certification fee. The bulk of the project, he said, was eased simply by “knowing how LEED works and enjoying the process.”

Great Christmas Gifts

The Ten Greenest, Greatest Christmas Gifts: 1. Recycling set, 2. Graywater Sink, 3. Bicycle, 4. Raised Garden Bed, 5. Walking Shoes, 6. Honda Insight, 7. Nest Thermostat, 8. Big Ass Fan, 9. Pellet Stove Grill and 10. Glider Ride

ChuckLohreArchives, Big Ass Fans LEED Gold, Cincinnati Bike Share, Cincinnati Electric Car Club, Cincinnati State Renewable Energy Course, Honda Insight, LEED Platinum Home/Office Project, Ohio Recyclers, Ohio Recyclers Association

Great gifts covering all the bases: Food, Transportation, Energy, Water and Materials.

Informational Interview about Careers in Environmental Fields

ChuckLohreLEED AP Exam, How to pass, LEED Certification Documentation, LEED Platinum Home/Office Project, LEED Project Documentation, U.S. Green Building Council, U.S. Green Building Council Cincinnati Chapter

My name is Rachel Grefke and I am an Environmental major at SUNY Potsdam. I received your contact info. from the PM Environmental website which I had been looking at for my internship coming up in the summer. For my environmental field prep. class I am required to preform an interview on someone in the environmental field and I was hoping you would be willing to …

The Heartbreak of Green Building Consulting for LEED

ChuckLohreLEED Platinum Home/Office Project

After you start reading the USGBC review, your heart sinks because the sustainable sites prerequisites wasn’t met. . . . But we’re confident, that’s part of the challenge and the fun. We have achieved LEED Platinum on our first two projects and we’re only trying for Gold on this one. And we get the problem children. Projects that are so screwed up and abandoned. Way over budget. We only do it because the owners are well intentioned and they are wonderful projects.

Hancock Residence

Cool homes: LEED Platinum candidate in Clifton

ChuckLohreHancock Residence, LEED Platinum Home/Office Project

University of Cincinnati architecture professor John Hancock’s passive solar design includes south-facing windows in the living and gallery rooms, center, and the master bedroom and lower-level professor’s studio, right. By Brent Coleman | [email protected]. Photos by Cara Owsley/The Enquirer. He and his artist wife, Marcia Alscher, believe their modern Clifton home will earn LEED platinum certification, the highest in the energy and environmental design program.

Looking for partners in a LEED Platinum Office project

ChuckLohreLEED Platinum Home/Office Project

You’ll learn more about the LEED Process by creating an actual LEED project than any amount of studying. Lohre & Associates, Inc., dba Green Cincinnati Education and Advocacy, has Registered a LEED CI 2.0 Project as their office and is in the process of design and collection of materials. Green Cincinnati would like to offer space in the new makeover …