On Friday April 26th, 2013 Cedarville University will dedicate its large-scale solar power system that converts sunlight into clean electricity to help meet the growing power requirements of the campus. The 2,154 kilowatt solar array was built on the southwest edge of the campus by Cincinnati-based Melink Corporation, which was also responsible for the development, engineering, construction, and operation of the system.
Since the completion of the installation, power has been flowing directly into the University’s distribution system. This energy is capable of supplying an average of 10% of Cedarville University’s demand, making it the largest solar system directly connected to a university in Ohio.
“Melink is proud to serve as the developer for this very significant solar array,” said Steve Melink, the President of Melink Corporation. “We would also like to acknowledge our partners: U.S. Bancorp, Union Bank & Trust Company, DP&L Energy, Yellow Springs Renewable Energy, TMI Electric, and the Village of Cedarville, who provided tremendous support. It is our hope that this success will inspire other schools and universities to consider clean and affordable renewable energy solutions.”