Cincinnati Permaculture Institute

Final Registration Call for Winter Permaculture Design Certification


Cincinnati Permaculture Institute

This just in from This Land Inc.

Learn Permaculture in Hybrid Format for the Pandemic and be ready for 2021 Growing Season
This transformative course continues to train leaders who are pioneering a Regenerative Future
Why take the Course Now?

You’ll be ready to design and start planting your Permaculture Site by the first frost free days of the season
Take Advantage of the Winter Quarantine and make the most of your time
Build resilience into your life no matter what the economy throws at you
Learn how to invest your time and money into a Resilient and Regenerative future, founded in Nature’s Core Principles of Resilience and Regeneration
Be ready to get your first harvest by this summer and fall and plan for the harvest years into the future
Course Launches Saturday 2/20/21

Why a PDC through CPI?

After 14 years of training hundreds of students who are now regional leaders you will learn knowledge that works for our region.
You will learn from our regional mistakes, making your success that much more guaranteed
It’s reasonably priced as our mission is to build a successful regenerative region
Course Cost – one of the lowest course costs anywhere at $800

You can learn more here about course topics, dates and other important information:
Don’t let 2021 go to waist in creating your regenerative future!

Cincinnati Permaculture Institute

Our mailing address is:
This Land Inc.
925 Weninger Circle, Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH 45203