Wright Residence Green Home LEED Feature Tour February 21, 2015

ChuckLohreGreen Home Tours, LEED for Homes, Wright Residence

SITE This Mt. Airy / Northside home has achieved the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification and received the City of Cincinnati’s CRA Tax Abatement which is an enhancement incentive for pursuing LEED certification. They should save about $40,000 over the additional five year period of the tax savings, easily paying for the …

Gaitan Green Marketing Home Tour LEED Success

ChuckLohreArchives, Gaitan Residence, LEED for Homes

9:30 Arrive and set up coffee and sweets, pot and a half high powered from Coffee Emporium and a pot of decaf from Stitwell’s. King Cake, Schenken and Tea Ring from Grater’s. 9:45 Greet guests, 20 in all arrived as well as Marc Hueber from builder John Heuber Homes and Dave Horton the U.S. Green Building Council Green Rater with …

Gaitan Residence Green Marketing LEED Feature Tour

ChuckLohreGaitan Residence, LEED for Homes

SITE The Gaitan Residence is a perfect example of the advantages of optimizing site location. It is within walking distance of at least 28 community services such as restaurants, churches, child care, senior centers, health care, grocery stores and banks. With it’s placement on Cincinnati’s new street car line it has public transportation options close to those in Chicago or New …

Green Building Consuting Cincinnati

2015 Green Home Tour Schedule

ChuckLohreBrad Cooper, Bradley Cooper Tiny Homes, Fischer Residence, FLW Boulter House LEED Project, FLW Boulter House Tour, Gaitan Residence, Green Home Tours, LEED for Homes, Mottainai Condos, Nutter Residence, Quinlivan Home, Schickel Design, Wright Residence

The Green Living Member Circle of the regional U.S. Green Building Council is producing a series of “This is a Green Home” tours for 2015. They start in January, take off for the summer and continue in the Fall of 2015.
Here are the homes scheduled for the tours. Contact Chair Chuck Lohre to register for any of the tours, [email protected], 513-260-9025. Attendance is limited to 20. There is no charge for the tours just your help in promoting them is asked.

Kinsman Residence Tour Nov 8, 2014 – 10 am to Noon

ChuckLohreKinsman Residence, LEED for Homes

Kinsman Residence Tour
10 am to Noon

Come join us to experience one of the most futuristic homes in the Tri-State. It doesn’t have a boiler! Heat is supplied by solar hot water panels on the roof; along with natural venitlation it proves that you may not need the power company. Learn more about the home. Attendance is limited to 20. We’ll have a great swag bag and a raffle! Register with Chuck Lohre at 513-260-9025 or [email protected].

Where to start with a Green Home?

ChuckLohreLEED for Homes, Sierra Club

Presentation made to the Miami Valley Chapter of the Sierra Club retreat Feb. 8, 2014. The presentation is an overview of the most recent update of the LEED for Home standards. You will learn from the presentation how to design a sustainable landscape, reduce your water use, improve energy and comfort of your home or office, use regional, reused, recyclable and renewable materials and improve the indoor air quality of your home or office. The tour is planned for the Spring of 2014, contact [email protected] for details.


Press Conference Dec.11 – City to Incentivize Higher Levels of ‘Green’ Building

ChuckLohreCity of Cincinnati, Kinsman Residence, LEED for Homes

The City of Cincinnati leads the region with the most energy-efficient buildings. With the most generous tax abatement in the country for LEED Certification, the City encourages residents and commercial developers to build ‘green.’ To incentivize people to invest in the most energy-efficient building they can afford, Councilmember Laure Quinlivan sponsored changes to the city program’s structure.

2012 USGBC LEED for Homes Awards announced at Greenbuild

ChuckLohreLEED for Homes, U.S. Green Building Council

The projects awarded this year spotlight affordable housing. Another important feature awarded was multi-family developments. Cincinnati is lucky to have a perfect example of a Green community in Over-The_Rhine. In 1850 Cincinnati was one of a few cities worldwide in rapid expansion. It might not look it now, but in 1850 it was an example of a very high quality building and transportation system. Thanks to Cincinnati Center City Development Corporation and many other partners is strengthening the core assets of Cincinnati’s urban infrastructure by creating diverse places to live, work and play. Just like the 1850s! Maybe we’ll get an award someday from the USGBC.