Great Christmas Gifts

The Ten Greenest, Greatest Christmas Gifts: 1. Recycling set, 2. Graywater Sink, 3. Bicycle, 4. Raised Garden Bed, 5. Walking Shoes, 6. Honda Insight, 7. Nest Thermostat, 8. Big Ass Fan, 9. Pellet Stove Grill and 10. Glider Ride

ChuckLohreArchives, Big Ass Fans LEED Gold, Cincinnati Bike Share, Cincinnati Electric Car Club, Cincinnati State Renewable Energy Course, Honda Insight, LEED Platinum Home/Office Project, Ohio Recyclers, Ohio Recyclers Association

Great gifts covering all the bases: Food, Transportation, Energy, Water and Materials.

Cincinnati Bike Share – Study Recommends 35 Bike Share Stations Downtown, Uptown

ChuckLohreCincinnati Bike Share

The City of Cincinnati has completed a feasibility study identifying the best way to implement a successful bike share program in the city. The study recommends 21 station locations in the Downtown/OTR area, and 14 stations in the Uptown area.

Station locations were determined through an analysis of potential demand based on where people live, work, play and shop, and the desire to travel between these places. Public input through a collaborative mapping website also played a significant role in determining the recommended station locations. The stations with the most public support included those at Washington Park, Fountain Square, Findlay Market, the Purple People Bridge, Union Terminal, and Government Square.


Vote For A Cincinnati Bike Share Location

ChuckLohreCincinnati Bike Share

The Department of Transportation & Engineering is conducting a feasibility study to identify the best way to implement a successful public “bike share” program in Over the Rhine, Downtown, and Uptown. Please take a moment to click the link below and let us know where a bike share station would benefit you. Then, share this information with those who would be interested.