5:00 pm, Friday August 30, 2024 – Earth Guardian’s Camp, Burning Man Laura, Bo, myself, Pam, Hunger, Bilbo, Ellie, and Carlos performed our play “Wizard of Black Rock” and it was big success. Everybody enjoyed it so it was very nice and I really enjoyed rewriting it with ChatGPT, Thalia and Sarah on the drive out. The Wizard of Black …
The Awakening
2016 was the second celebration of the Awakening, the communication with the Elements and Universe allowed by Fungi. The first one for me in 2010 was not as successful as in 2016 because the communication conduits were harder to amass the required connections. This year I achieved all my goals. Next, I’ll teach others. The first life on Earth was …
How to build a Swamp Cooler for Burning Man
A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler that cools the air by blowing it through a moist filter material. You’ll need a plastic trash can that you cut 3 inch holes all around. In the lid you’ll cut a hole for a 10 inch car radiator fan. You line the trash can with evaporative cooler plastic filter. Drill several small …
Earth Guardians Camp at Dusty Multiverse
Hi all Earth Guardians, I (Chuck Lohre) camped with the Earth Guardians in 2016 and being a computer geek, I wanted to try to host a camp for them in the Dusty Multiverse. I don’t mean for this to be an official takeover, so please help if you want or I’ll turn it over to any one that wants to …