Where to start with a Green Home?

ChuckLohreLEED for Homes, Sierra Club

Presentation made to the Miami Valley Chapter of the Sierra Club retreat Feb. 8, 2014. The presentation is an overview of the most recent update of the LEED for Home standards. You will learn from the presentation how to design a sustainable landscape, reduce your water use, improve energy and comfort of your home or office, use regional, reused, recyclable and renewable materials and improve the indoor air quality of your home or office. The tour is planned for the Spring of 2014, contact [email protected] for details.

How to design and live in a Green Home while studying for the LEED for Homes AP exam

ChuckLohreLEED GA AP+NC/CS/SCH Class

The following is an outline for a series of classes to pass the LEED for Homes Accredited Professional exam.

We’re creating a series of tours that focuses on how families are living sustainably in their homes. Our goals will be to learn the LEED for Homes Sustainable Categories.

How to design and use a kitchen to make healthy food for your family, while easy to use and clean.
What does a landscape look like that is easy to maintain and grows food? While composting too.
Bathrooms that uses less water and energy, how does that look and feel?
Living rooms that uses less energy and is a multi-use space. What kind of furniture do you need to make a space multi-functional? A place for children to grow up and be themselves?
A garage that can also be a work shop and storage.
How do you use plants to lower the C02 in your bedroom?
How can a homeowner understand the HVAC and water systems in their home? What is it like living with renewable energy?


Green Homes Summit Sept. 14, 2012

ChuckLohreU.S. Green Building Council Cincinnati Chapter

Preserve, Restore, Revitalize – USGBC Cincinnati Regional Chapter, AIA Cincinnati, and Over-the-Rhine Foundation Cincinnati collaborate to present the 2012 Green Homes Summit. Presentation seminars will be held on September 14th, at Emanuel Community Center in OTR, Cincinnati, OH. Summit includes: Keynote Speaker, Workshops, All-Day Tradeshow, and Green Homes Tour for Homeowners, Builders, Architects, Government Officials, Realtors, Lenders, and anyone related to the residential building industry. The conference will focus on residential green strategies with an added focus of urban revitalization and historic preservation.

Warm and toasty now! – Smart Foam Demonstration Thank You

ChuckLohreFLW Boulter House LEED Project

Please take our post event survey whether you attended or not: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NT7DQVZ For those who attended the Smart Foam demonstration November 18, we think you’ll agree it was a perfect day and a festive one. Busy too. Though it took much more foam to fill the hollow concrete block than expected, now that it’s done it feels as if we …