“Good government” proposal to change to 4-year terms

ChuckLohreArchives, Quinlivan, Laure

Dear Cincinnati Resident,

I love advocating for “green” issues on Cincinnati City Council and will continue to work hard as your environmental champion. Like you, I don’t like waste. I need your help changing the system I believe wastes everyone’s time and resources and makes our city government inefficient—running council elections every 2 years.

I am championing a “good government” proposal to change to 4-year terms. City Council would like community input. In a recent meeting of the Government Operations Committee, we passed two versions of 4-year terms ordinances. One version has all 9 council members running in a single election every 4 years; the other has either 5 or 4 members running in staggered elections every 2 years.

Both versions retain the 8-year term limit. 4-year terms would begin with the 2013 council elections. In order to allow ample time for community debate and feedback, we will wait until our August council meeting for the full council vote on which option to put on the November ballot.

I have attached my 4-Year Terms Presentation that further explains the differences between the two options and shows how each affects current members of council. I encourage you to discuss both options for 4-year terms in your community circles, show this PowerPoint if you’d like, and then share your preference with my colleagues and me.

We are holding a series of public hearings, and if you are able to attend and/or extend this invitation to others, it would be so appreciated. The first hearing will be Wednesday, March 21 at 6pm at City Hall in Council Chambers. The remaining hearings will be in the community.

Also, you can share the following survey link with anyone interested in voicing their opinion on 4-year terms: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/4-Year_Terms_Survey

Sincere thanks,

Laure Quinlivan
Cincinnati City Council Member
801 Plum Street, Suite 349
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

(12-3-19 301 redirect from lohre.com)