Lower Price Hill Neighborhood Celebrates the Completion of New, Affordable Housing

Lower Price Hill Neighborhood Celebrates the Completion of New, Affordable Housing

ChuckLohreArchives, Community Matters, OTR Community Housing, Over The Rhine Community Housing


CINCINNATI, Ohio— After nearly 8 years of coordinated efforts, Community Matters, Over-the-Rhine Community Housing, and residents of the Lower Price Hill neighborhood will celebrate the completion of the highly-anticipated Lower Price Hill Thrives affordable housing project.

The Lower Price Hill Thrives project was created to address the lack of quality, affordable housing in the community, and with its completion, the project brings 47 affordable apartments and 3 retail spaces to the heart of the Lower Price Hill neighborhood. Mary Delaney, Executive Director of Community Matters shared: “Lower Price Hill Thrives is truly a transformational project. It will help ensure that—long term— our community is a vibrant, thriving place to live.”

Lower Price Hill Neighborhood Celebrates the Completion of New, Affordable Housing

The project broke ground last summer and represents a $15.4 million investment that rehabilitated 10 existing vacant and blighted historic properties and built 1 new structure. Designated as permanently affordable, Lower Price Hill Thrives apartments are designed to align with the wages paid by local employers and residents on a fixed income (60% AMI and under). HGC Construction has served as the lead contractor.

Kimberly Thomas added: “As a first-time homeowner through Habitat for Humanity, President of the Lower Price Hill Community Council, and Lower Price Hill neighbor, I know the importance of having more affordable housing options in our community. These new apartments will play a critical role in creating stability for dozens of families in our neighborhood.”

Lower Price Hill Neighborhood Celebrates the Completion of New, Affordable Housing

These partners would like to invite the greater community to join us in celebrating the completion of this critical affordable housing project.

When:                                                                                      Where:
Friday, November 18, 2022                                                        642 Neave Street
11:30am – 12:00pm                                                                  Cincinnati, OH 45204

Tours immediately following the ceremony.

This project would not be possible without a range of funders and supporters, including the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation, the Cincinnati Development Fund, the City of Cincinnati, CREA, Duke Energy Foundation, Finance Fund, First Financial Bank, the George B. Riley Trust, the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Hamilton County, the Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trust, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee, the Lower Price Hill Community Council, the Neighborhood Action Team, Nehemiah Manufacturing Co., the Ohio Department of Development, the Ohio Housing Finance Agency, The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, and Marge & Charles J. Schott Foundation.

Lower Price Hill Neighborhood Celebrates the Completion of New, Affordable Housing


About Community Matters
Founded in 2014, Community Matters exists to create a thriving and more just community by removing barriers to opportunity. Community Matters is rooted in the Lower Price Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio, and we believe that all people can thrive when positive opportunities exist within their community. Our work focuses on four core areas: 1) Family Sustainability– ensuring all families have the resources to meet their goals; 2) Education Pathways– adult learners have the opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills; 3) Resident Leadership– residents spearhead community development and hold power in community institutions; 4) Thriving Community– Lower Price Hill is an affordable and vibrant place to live. For more information, visit www.cmcincy.org.

Patty Lee
Community Matters
[email protected]
513-244-2214 ext. 211


About Over-the-Rhine Community Housing
Over-the-Rhine Community Housing has been in operation for over forty years, providing the property development, property management, resident services, and tenant advocacy that enables the thriving, vibrant, diverse community that we are all a part of today. From providing affordable housing to saving historical buildings to securing employment opportunities for our residents, we’re working to build and sustain a neighborhood that values low-income residents and benefits all in the community. Learn more at https://otrch.org/.

Claire Daugherty
Over-the-Rhine Community Housing
[email protected]