Cincinnati 2030 District Happy Hour & Building Tour – Featured Member: Enriching Spaces
Congratulations to Enriching Spaces for achieving LEED Gold status for their facility in Forest Park! This local business, owned by Dawn Schwartzman, is a leading designer and outfitter of healthy, beautiful, and inspiring workspaces. The main showroom has long been a local gem and a spectacular example of sustainable design. With their official LEED Gold recognition, that status has been formally recognized by the US Green Building Council.
There will be a ceremony to celebrate Enriching Spaces’ achievement at 4:30 on June 6 as part of the next 2030 District Happy Hour. All 2030 District Members and Partners are invited to be on hand to celebrate.
WHAT: LEED Gold Existing Buildings Operation & Maintenance
WHERE: In Person Tour
WHEN: Thursday, Jun. 6, 2024; 4:30 am until 6:30 pm
It’s free but we’d like you to register, please click the link below
This letter was sent to owner Dawn Schwartzman from Peter Templeton President & CEO, U.S. Green Building Council & Green Business Certification Inc.
On behalf of the U.S. Green Building Council, I congratulate you on achieving LEED certification for Enriching Spaces Office/Show Room Existing Building. Your project has achieved gold certification under the v4.1 LEED O+M: EB rating system with a total of 60 points.
LEED certification identifies Enriching Spaces Office/Show Room Existing Building as a showcase example of sustainability and demonstrates your leadership in transforming the building industry. In honor of this impressive achievement and in appreciation of your participation in LEED, we are pleased to present you with the enclosed certificates recognizing your accomplishment.
Now that your project has achieved LEED certification, we encourage you to share your project with the green building community. Public projects appear in our LEED project directory found on and are eligible to participate in additional marketing efforts and campaigns.
Congratulations on earning LEED certification, and thank you for your commitment to our common goal of building a healthy, sustainable future.
Dedicated to health, wellness, and creating positive human experiences, Enriching Spaces has also received the distinction of WELLv2 Certified™ Platinum for their office and showroom in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ten evidence-based WELL™ features are the basis of design for their working and dwelling environments that nurture health, comfort, creative thinking, community, and well-being: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement, Thermal Comfort, Sound, Materials, Mind & Community.
Chuck Lohre, the LEED AP on the project, had this to say about the similarities between Enriching Spaces’ Platinum WELL Building Standard and LEED, Enriching Spaces’ best categories were Materials and Resources – Waste Performance 6/8 and Indoor Environmental Quality – Indoor Environmental Quality Performance 15/20.
ES is probably one of the few WELL and LEED projects, I suggest their should be Crossover Points from WELL to LEED O&M v4.1.
International WELL Building Institute allows for a LEED and WELL “crosswalk”, as detailed via the guidance provided here, “the crosswalk only applies in that elements of a LEED certification can be used to earn certain WELL features as part of a WELL application.” For WELL features used in LEED applications, the LEED and WELL streamlined paths found here are only available for LEED for Building Design and Construction and LEED Interior Design and Construction projects.
My suggestion is that the streamlined processes should also apply to projects certifying under LEED for Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance if they have already met WELL Standards.
Here is a list of the LEED Prerequisites and Points that we suggest should apply to LEED Gold if the WELL Standard has been met:
• Energy Efficiency Best Practices Prerequisite
• Purchasing Policy Prerequisite
• Facility Maintenance and Renovation Policy Prerequisite
• Purchasing
• Green Cleaning
• Minimum Indoor Air Quality Prerequisite
• Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Prerequisite
• Green Cleaning Policy Prerequisite
• Green Cleaning
• Integrated Pest Control
Following the ceremony, Dawn will provide tours of her beautiful space, both inside and out.
Complimentary beverages and snacks provided by Enriching Spaces and Urban Artifact.
About the Cincinnati 2030 District:
The Cincinnati 2030 District is Green Umbrella’s buildings and energy program. The District is a collaborative effort to create a network of healthy, sustainable, & high-performing buildings in Cincinnati.
Posters of the following two projects Chuck Lohre is working on will also be on display.
Enriching Spaces’ LEED Gold Certification is exactly similar to the path the Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art is taking to achieve U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification.
One lesson learned from Enriching Spaces is how to measure the fresh air intake into the HVAC system. It has to be measured by documented instruments before the return air is mixed. Chuck Lohre is the LEED AP on the project and hopes to achieve LEED Gold for the Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in 2026.

Chuck Lohre and Janet Groeber’s 10,000 Watt Solar Panel Array on their home at The Windings of Lafayette in the Clifton neighborhood of Cincinnati
The Windings in Clifton, Cincinnati – Candidate for U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certification for Communities
Chuck Lohre is working on this concept for his subdivision. It will include the Common Orchard Project, Go Zero Compost Courier, Low Solar Reflectance Roads, Solar Panels, Solar Powered Street Light Prototypes for Clifton’s Gas Lights, Home Energy Rating System Certified Residences, Pollinator Gardens, Permaculture Gardens, Low Maintenance Turf, Zero Invasive Species, Pawpaw Groves and other habitat for native species.
Learn more about LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Mission: To provide education on sustainability in everyday tasks by promoting environmentally sound practices to transform the way homes & offices are designed, built, and operated enabling healthy, prosperous and environmentally and socially responsible living. Ohio Chapter USGBC Membership.
Sincerely, Chuck Lohre, LEED AP ID+C
If you would like to “Do the right thing,” join me for coffee or lunch and a complimentary Green Building Consultation.
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