Dumpster Diving at Greenbuild

Dumpster Diving 101 at Greenbuild


Greenbuild diverted over 90% of their waste at last year’s event in Boston.

When ws the last time your measured all the waste you disposed of? For us it was two years ago when we implemented the LEED Dynamic Plaque. The idea behind dumpster diving is to change the amount and type of the waste you produce.

Dumpster Diving at Greenbuild

Dumpster Diving at Greenbuild

The session is a real world exercise in sorting and trading actual trash bags full of waste.

Dumpster Diving at Greenbuild

Dumpster Diving at Greenbuild

We are planning the recycling and waste diversion program for a small city. With limited resources, landfill space, incinerators, stc. and budget it’s a real world problem.

If you would like to help us sort the trash at the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center please get in touch Chuck Lohre, chucklohre.com, 513-260-9025