
Green-Cincinnati ChatBot

ChuckLohreGreen Cincinnati

This is an experimental ChatBot from We used all of the content on this website as the knowledge base. Most of the answers are fairly correct but there will be errors. It’s provided to our readers as an exercise in artificial intelligence but not to be used for actual advise. We recommend you refer to trusted environmental education and …

Cincinnati Office of Sustainability

Get Involved!

ChuckLohreBetter Bin Compost Company, City of Cincinnati, Farmer's Market Week, Go Zero, Green Cincinnati, Plant Cincinnati, Queen City Commons

Get Involved! For many people, this time of year is perfect to explore new activities or to act on long-standing ideas. Due to the pandemic, many more people are looking for COVID-safe activities and ones that support their values.   Composting and supporting farmers are two things that accomplish both those objectives, and there is a lot happening in our area that …