
Fuel Cincinnati – Put Recycled Products To Work

ChuckLohreFuel Cincinnati

Hi FUEL friends!

You may have an interest in volunteering with FUEL and we can’t wait to get started!
Please review this list and let us know which area you have the most interest!

1. Sourcing meeting places in OTR for the Green Production Program (churches, community centers, etc.)
2. Source a warehouse in OTR for large production and storage of materials.
3. Communication – Regular updating of website, social media (facebook/twitter), newsletter, and board member updates
4. Volunteer recruitment
5. Sourcing crochet enthusiasts, to teach participants how to make plarn and crochet marketable products.
6. Photo enthusiast are needed to organize and compile “Artist Behind Bars” photos (photoshop). These will be used in the kickstarter video.
7. Fundraising, Kickstarter, Road Rash Bash, Investor presentations, etc.