Civic Garden Center Calendar of Events, Classes and Tours July, August, September 2013

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center, Green Learning Station

Dear Partners in Gardening and Environmental Education,

I am sending you the Civic Garden Center’s class line-up for the next two and half months in the hopes that you can share some or all of these listings with your constituents. We hope you will share this exciting calendar of educational opportunities with the people who look to you as a resource. We would be happy to share your events so please feel free to send them to me by email.

Please let me know if you require this information in a different format or if there is anything I can do to assist in your spreading the word about the CGC’s programs. We create events for each class on our facebook page: if you wish to share those.


Ryan Mooney-Bullock

Civic Garden Center Calendar of Classes and Tours 2013

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center

Dear Partners in Gardening and Environmental Education,

I am sending you the Civic Garden Center’s 2013 class line-up in the hopes that you can share some or all of these listings with your constituents. Right now we have 60 classes scheduled for 2013 with more to come! Class topics range from organic vegetable gardening to composting to managing stormwater to wildlife friendly yards to fun programs for kids and everything in between. We hope you will share this exciting calendar of educational opportunities with the people who look to you as a resource. I will keep you updated as we add classes for the latter part of the year. I will also send out monthly emails with the class and event listings for the following two months.

Please let me know if you require this information in a different format or if there is anything I can do to assist in your spreading the word about the CGC’s programs. We create events for each class on our facebook page: if you wish to share those.


Ryan Mooney-Bullock

LEED-ing by Example

ChuckLohreArt Academy of Cincinnati, Boy Scout Center, Marge Schott, Cincinnati Fire Station No. 51, Cincinnati Fire Station No. 9, Cincinnati Zoo, City of Cincinnati, Civic Garden Center, CPS Clark Montessori, CPS North College Hill Middle-High School, CPS Pleasant Ridge School, CPS Sands Montessori School, IKEA, Keystone Parke, Neyer Properties, Northern Kentucky University, UC CARE/Crawley, UC Joseph A. Steger Student Center, UC Teacher's College

LEED-ing by Example Harvard Business School Published: November 19, 2012 Author: Carmen Nobel Comments 0 E-Mail Print Share Executive Summary: When a local government decides to pursue environmentally aware construction policies for its own buildings, the private sector follows suit, according to new research by Timothy Simcoe and Michael W. Toffel. About Faculty in this Article: Michael Toffel is …

City’s Green Roots Beginning to Flower – Green Umbrella Summit – May 3, 2013

ChuckLohreCincinnati Fire Station No. 51, City of Cincinnati, Civic Garden Center, CPS Clark Montessori, EarthConnection, Green City of the West Poster Show, Moerlein Lager House, Times Star Building, UC Joseph A. Steger Student Center

Green Learning Station Flower Signage Idea Germinating in Cincinnati – Green City of the West

The eight poster show will be on exhibit at the Green Umbrella Summit May 3, 2013. Then it will move to another of the venues illustrated on the posters.

The Queen City and environs are gaining national attention for green and sustainable efforts. An idea from the Green Learning Station of the Civic Garden Center of Cincinnati will identify greater Cincinnati’s stock of green buildings.

Thanks to some recent green-sky thinking, area residents and visitors should be able to point to the major buildings exemplifying sustainable energy and environmental design that are part of Cincinnati’s green building movement. The area will be “blooming” when a proposal to “plant” exterior signs in front of these sites becomes a reality. The project (Cincinnati Green Building Signage Project) is just another way the Queen City (and the city that sings) is moving forward as the Green City of the West. Beyond attracting architectural tourists (believe me, these folks exist), the colorful, eye-catching signage project will go the distance in promoting healthy environments – good for the planet and its people.


Sept. 22, 2012 Civic Garden Center Fall Fest in conjunction with Great Outdoor Weekend

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center

Fall Festival & Great Outdoor Weekend Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Come to the Civic Garden Center for a fun filled day offering: Mini-workshop series Free activities for kids Community Garden Showcase Food & Beverage Trucks/Booths Plant and Bulb Sale Used Tool Sale Entertainment And MORE Register online at for any or all of our …

Green City of the West - Cincinnati Green Building Signage Project of the Civic Garden Center

Sept. 28, 2012 Civic Garden Center – Proposes Green Building Signage

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center, Green Learning Station

Green City of the West

Cincinnati – The Civic Garden Center of Cincinnati has been engaging in green-sky thinking and an upcoming exhibit at The Betts House will showcase the flowering of that labor.

The exhibit — Cincinnati Green Building Signage Project — brings to life a proposal from the Civic Garden’s Green Learning Station to identify greater Cincinnati’s stock of green buildings as the area is gaining national attention for its eco-sustainable efforts. The exhibit will run September 29 – October 9, 2012. An opening reception will be held Friday, September 28, 5-8 pm. The Betts House will also have special hours on Saturday, September 29, 12:30 – 5 pm.

May 29, 2012 – Green Roof Seminar at the Civic Garden Center Green Learning Station

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center

May 29, 2012 – Green Roof Seminar at the Civic Garden Center Green Learning Station – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – 2715 Reading Road  Cincinnati, OH 45206 – Free – RSVP to 513-221-0981 David Hart LEED AP BD+C of Tremco will be presenting on the design of all the green roofs that have been recently installed at the Civic …

Get a Jump on the Season: How to build and use cold frames and low hoop tunnels

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center

Harvest cool weather crops sooner this spring by protecting them from the weather with a cold frame or low-hoop tunnel. In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to design and build a system that will work for your vegetable garden. You will also learn strategies for using hoop tunnels and cold frames successfully, and ideas for where to find materials at low cost.

Civic Garden Center Green Learning Station

ChuckLohreCivic Garden Center

Coming this Fall – Tremco Green Roof Systems: a system for every scenario David Hart LEED AP BD+C of Tremco will be presenting on the design of all the green roofs that have been recently installed at the Civic Garden Center. The presentation will cover the structural requirements, design cross section and resulting economic and environmental benefits of all four …