
SonLight Power Installs Solar Array at Community Center & Church in Rural Arecibo, Puerto Rico

ChuckLohreSolar Panels, SonLight Power

This just in from Mark Fisher via Facebook,

“4 years ago I passed the hat around, asking for some help to fund a solar project (via SonLight Power) in Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria devastated the island. Almost a hundred of you chipped in and got the ball rolling, but there was a few set backs and just when we were ready to roll….COVID hit.


This past week, we finally made it. We equipped a church in rural Arecibo. This church doubles as the community center for this small town, including a computer room that residents use that can’t afford the luxury that we all take for granted. I ended up going alongside a dozen Sophomores and Juniors from CHCA and a few chaperones.

We installed the 7 kW system with lithium battery packs to not only provide them with a solid power source for when (not IF) they lose grid power, but will also save them precious dollars on their utility bills.
The system had to be beefed up as it’s designed to handle 150 mile per hour winds. The holes for the foundation had to be dug with hand tools – 18” wide, 4 feet deep, through a 12” layer of limestone. I’m not sure I’ve sweat so much in my entire life. Literally.

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And these kids….most of them hadn’t ever TOUCHED a tape measure. Now after spending a week with them, they are proficient in handling all sorts of saws and drills and other tools. And some day down the road, when they are using tools once again, they’ll remember this trip. Most of them told me this was the hardest they had ever worked in their lives.



Honestly, being able to share my perspective on what life is all about (and how to properly and safely use a reciprocating saw) and sweat and bleed (literally) along side them was the highlight of the trip. I feel like they are my kids now, and I kinda miss them already. The good news is we are all friends on TikTok now 1f60e-1364153.

And Puerto Rico is stunning. The landscape, the animals, the people. All of it was so good. I’ll be returning for future trips, that I am sure of.
So thank you to all that helped make this project happen. Know that your money not only is helping this small community in a very real and practical way, but you also helped these kids learn what it really means to show your faith through your hands and feet.
And you helped me become a better person through this project.
Thank you. I appreciate you. Much love.