Treasurer Seekers’ Social First Drink Free! – ReSource Non-Profit Organization Help

ChuckLohreReSource Non-Profit Organization Help

Join us Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Dutch’s Bar and Bottle Shop, 3378 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208.

Bring a friend for networking and to learn more about ReSource Non-Profit Organization Help. The first drink is on us!

Discussion topic: ReSource by the River Gala – October 6, 2012.

Email Kevin Torch at [email protected] by August 22, 2012


ReSource Non-Profit Organization Help – Inventory Update for July 27

ChuckLohreOne Source Center for Nonprofit Excellence, ReSource Non-Profit Organization Help

ReSource’s 23,500 sq. ft. warehouse is filled with great file cabinets, tables, desks, matching office chairs and much much more. Here is just a small sample of what we have in the warehouse. If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please call us at 554-4944.

Our hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

August’s Building Blocks for Non-Profits training is, Succession Planning. Make sure that your agency moves forward even when key staffers move on.


Oct. 1-7, 2012 Green Energy Ohio Tour – Betts House Show Highlights Eight Green Buildings

ChuckLohreGreen Energy Ohio Tour

SAVE THE DATE: GEO Tour is Oct. 1–7 this year; Oct. 1–5 Business tours; Oct. 6-7 Residential.

Don’t miss our annual “Green Energy Ohio Tour” and network with real people using renewable energy, energy efficiency and green design. To be on the tour, visit Green Energy Ohio’s Website to register: This FREE statewide event provides the unique opportunity for people to visit hundreds of Open House Sites and talk with owners living and working with clean energy technologies. Stay tuned to our website: for updates, opportunities and to create your personalized Green Energy Tour. For more information about sponsorship opportunities please contact Sarah Straley; (614) 985-6131; [email protected].


Office Supplies For Non-Profits Available from ReSource

ChuckLohreReSource Non-Profit Organization Help

Does your non-profit need a conference table? Now’s the time. ReSource helps member non-profits serve their clients by providing vital goods and educational programs. Tax-exempt organizations join ReSource for a modest annual fee and may then purchase any of the donated supplies found at ReSource for a fraction of the market value, reducing their agencies operational expenses.

Simply stated — ReSource builds stronger non-profits through collecting donations of everything from office supplies to furniture for 501 c3 non-profit organizations. ReSource is a Cincinnati-based 501(c)(3) that distributes corporate donations — excess goods such as office furniture, personal care items and other consumable supplies — to our member non-profits.


Green Cincinnati’s USGBC LEED Platinum Project Profile Published

ChuckLohreGreen Cincinnnati LEED Project Documentation, USGBC Directory

A renaissance is taking place to restore Cincinnati to a walkable and sustainable community. Locating this office project in the inner city represents the best in historical reuse and renewal.

This project, in the second floor of a three-story rowhouse, houses the office of Lohre & Associates Marketing Communications and Green Cincinnati Education Advocacy, the sole tenant. The building is among other older inner-city buildings undergoing renovation. The firm is a marketing communications agency that designs literature, web sites, photography, and trade show exhibits primarily for industrial clients, and which has a green building education and marketing division.

Arapahoe Acres

Arapahoe Acres -> International Style -> Usonian -> Green

ChuckLohreArapahoe Acres

Homes have evolved over the years and the major trends have been the result of builders wanting better more efficient homes for their clients. After World War I and II the world was introduced to new materials and construction methods, the International and Usonian Styles were the result. Usonian has a unique history associated with Frank Lloyd Wright but it can represent a more natural approach used to improve the home environment and many features are similar to the International Style. Green homes are the present day future in home building. The U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design guidelines can help any homeowner understand how to improve his home and enjoy living there while saving money.


Green Homes Summit Sept. 14, 2012

ChuckLohreU.S. Green Building Council Cincinnati Chapter

Preserve, Restore, Revitalize – USGBC Cincinnati Regional Chapter, AIA Cincinnati, and Over-the-Rhine Foundation Cincinnati collaborate to present the 2012 Green Homes Summit. Presentation seminars will be held on September 14th, at Emanuel Community Center in OTR, Cincinnati, OH. Summit includes: Keynote Speaker, Workshops, All-Day Tradeshow, and Green Homes Tour for Homeowners, Builders, Architects, Government Officials, Realtors, Lenders, and anyone related to the residential building industry. The conference will focus on residential green strategies with an added focus of urban revitalization and historic preservation.

Renovation complete on Price Hill’s Elberon Apartments

ChuckLohreElberon Apartments

Cincinnati city leaders met Thursday morning outside the newly-renovated Elberon Apartments in Price Hill.

For more than a decade the giant building has been in disrepair, but now the remodeled building and apartments will welcome a new batch of residents.

After four years of planning and renovation, the building now holds 37 remodeled apartments for low-income senior citizens.

The building is Gold Star LEED certified, meeting standards for environmental construction, design and preservation of the building’s historic character.


New Residential Building Code for Ohio

ChuckLohreGreater Cincinnati Energy Alliance

In May, Ohio adopted a new residential building code requiring new homes to be more energy-efficient, be tested for air leaks and come with carbon monoxide detectors. The code is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2013. The new rules are estimated to add between $1,100 and $1,200 to the cost of a 1,800-square-foot two-story home. Homeowners can expect reductions in their utility bills, justifying the increased cost of construction. A similar code change in Boston back in 2009 found homeowners could save approximately $230 a year in energy costs with the new rules in place.


Times Star Building Tour Oct. 24, 2012 – History and LEED for Existing Buildings

ChuckLohreTimes Star Building

Tour hosted by the Cincinnati Preservation Association – 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. – 800 Broadway St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 – Free, Max of 20 people, Registration required. Margo Warminiski, Preservation Director of the Cincinnati Preservation Assoc. will present on the history of the building. Representatives from either or both of the LEED for Existing Building team at GBBN Architects and Thermal Tech will be on hand.