Cincinnati Zoo LEED Platinum Tour and Energy Modeling Presentation

ChuckLohreCincinnati Zoo

Cincinnati Zoo Green Building Tour and Energy Modeling Presentation – Learn how they achieved LEED Platinum for the Entry Village.

Feb. 29, 2012 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Cincinnati Zoo Harold Schott Education Center, LEED Silver, Corner Erkenbrecher Ave. and Dury Ave., Cin., OH 45220, (Zoo address 3400 Vine St, Cin., OH 45220), get parking code from Chuck – The Center is at the corner of Erkenbrecher Ave. and Dury Ave, 45220.

Boulter House Energy Audit, Tour and Energy Modeling

ChuckLohreFLW Boulter House LEED Project

Mar. 28, 2012 – Historic Clifton Home Seeking LEED Certification – Two events at 1 Rawson Woods Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45220: 1. Energy Audit Noon to 4 p.m. – Performed by HOUSH The Home Energy Experts, approved contractor for the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance, – They will inspect the home and HVAC system, check combustion appliances and conduct a blower …

greensource CINCINNATI Tour & Energy Modeling Presentation

ChuckLohreGreensource CINCINNATI

Feb. 1, 2012 from 6 to 8 p.m. at greensource CINCINNATI, 19 East 8th St., Cincinnati, OH 45202. There is no charge for the tour and presentation but we do ask you to RSVP to Green Cincinnati [email protected], 513-260-9025, 126A West 14th St., Cincinnat, OH 45202 by Jan. 25, 2012. The first hour will be a tour of the building …

Window LEED Documentation with education – Not Greenwashing

ChuckLohreGilkey Window LEED Documentation

Learn – Why you may be looking at your number one energy drain – your windows! Higher performance windows may contribute from 15 to above 20% improvement over an ASHRAE 90.1 baseline building. Our Energy 10 simulations indicate that for Zone 3A if you go from a required minimum of U 0.57 for a typical commercial office building to a …