9:30 Arrive and set up coffee and sweets, two pots high powered from Park + Vine and a pot of decaf from Stitwell’s. Schenken and Tea Ring from Grater’s and Girl Scout Cookies. 9:45 Greet guests, 24 adults and two kids 10:00 Gather in great room 10:15 Introduce self, Chuck Lohre, Chair of the local Southwestern Ohio Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council’s …
Wright Residence Green Home LEED Feature Tour February 21, 2015
SITE This Mt. Airy / Northside home has achieved the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification and received the City of Cincinnati’s CRA Tax Abatement which is an enhancement incentive for pursuing LEED certification. They should save about $40,000 over the additional five year period of the tax savings, easily paying for the …
2015 Green Home Tour Schedule
The Green Living Member Circle of the regional U.S. Green Building Council is producing a series of “This is a Green Home” tours for 2015. They start in January, take off for the summer and continue in the Fall of 2015.
Here are the homes scheduled for the tours. Contact Chair Chuck Lohre to register for any of the tours, [email protected], 513-260-9025. Attendance is limited to 20. There is no charge for the tours just your help in promoting them is asked.