Earth Day Cincinnati’s submissions. Chefs Janet Groeber and Chuck Lohre.
Earth Day Cincinnati caters to families, April 18, 2015 Sawyer Park, Noon till 5
There are some lingering misconceptions surrounding Earth Day Cincinnati, which takes place Saturday, April 18 from noon to 5 p.m.
“It’s not just a bunch of hippies running around, though there are some,” said Lauren Beatty, public relations chair for the Greater Cincinnati Earth Coalition. “We get mostly families who come out for a great day of outward enjoyment and learning. We have real food. It’s not all twigs and berries.”
Earth Day
April 16, 2011 Earth Day at Sawyer Point – Pick Up America will take Art For The Sky photo at 3 p.m., wear black and come at 2:30 to be apart of the photo. Contact us it you would like to help perform the Cincinnati Chapter of the USGBC’s play “The Wizard of Cincy,” it’s all about following the Green …