USGBC SW Ohio Chapter Residential Green Committee Mission: To provide education on sustainability in everyday tasks by promoting household environmentally sound practices to transform the way homes are designed, built, and operated enabling healthy, prosperous and environmentally and socially responsible living. Ohio Chapter site.
Committee Chair: Toni Winston, Tiburon Energy
Contact to Volunteer or Participate: Chuck Lohre, Green Cincinnati Education Advocacy,
Green Home Tours: No charge for USGBC Ohio members, $129 per year and you can bring a guest, join the Ohio Chapter here. Student memberships are $59 and Emerging professionals $79. Non-members are asked to donate $25 online here, (you can bring a guest). Contact Chuck Lohre to register for the tours or be introduced to any of the owners of past and future tours,, 513-260-9025.
USGBC page about the tours.
The Green Home Tours are sponsored by The Sustainable Partnership of Cincinnati, a group of businesses offering environmentally friendly products and services to create sustainable homes and offices. Dovetail Solar and Wind, GreenBau Design Build, Green Building Consulting, Green Cincinnati Education Advocacy, Greener Stock Sustainable Building Materials & Design, Green Streets Environmental Services, National Heating & Air-conditioning, One Small Garden Planters and Sheds, Patterned Concrete of Cincinnati, and Tepe Landscaping. Learn more at
2019 Green Home Tours
• April 20, 2019, 10 am until Noon, Nelson/Doench Residence – Northside, LEED Gold new construction with native and adaptive landscape. Read the article we wrote for their “Public Awareness” Point. Confirmed.
• May 18, 2019, Heckman Residence – OTR, planned LEED Platinum with solar panels. Confirmed.
• Sept 21, 2019, Shaw Residence – Northside, Cincinnati, OH, new construction 1500 sf footprint infill. To be LEED Certified. Age in place and a model for affordable home design. Confirmed. Read the LEED for Public Awareness article we wrote for the home.
• Oct 19, 2019, Russo-Butler Residence – Mt. Lookout – LEED Platinum near net-zero new construction home with pool. Confirmed.
• Nov 16, 2019, Hughes Residence – OTR, New, gut renovation, Terry Boling designed home in OTR. Confirmed.
Future Tour Options:
• Fickas Residence – Liberty Township – Nancy comes from a long history of sustainable homes, “My grandfather built has entire house from shipping pallets for his family of 9. He worked at a door manufacturer and brought home the scrap wood to complete the house and build the furniture. My father worked there to and did the same thing to build my Mother a new kitchen. The Fickas Residence will be built at Amberlin Springs.• Warminski Residence, Newport, KY, 1907 cottage that should have it’s solar panels installed by then. Margo also plans to show off her extensive insulation and air sealing done by the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance. As well has her grey water downstairs toilet which ads a lavatory to the small room. Unconfirmed.
• Carl Strauss designed home in Avondale, renovated to LEED Silver.
• Painter Residence, Hyde Park, Possible LEED Platinum home in Hyde Park with a Tesla Charging Station and a rainwater harvesting system.
• Theobald Residence, Covington, KY. Builder and owner of the first private container home in the region. Two shipping containers side-by side will be renovated off site with recycled materials featuring contemporary design for an efficient, flexible and environmentally conscious dwelling. The home isn’t finished yet, but Jerod will have us over when it gets done.
• Abrahanson Residence, LEED Platinum home with solar panels.
• Mills Residence in Clifton, a pioneer in radiant heating in 1950, this home has been preserved by owner Scott Knox.
• Bronzie LEED Platinum and Passive House in Hyde Park
• LEED Gold home in Northside with solar, geothermal and a xeriscaped yard
• 943 Monastery St., LEED Platinum, Passive House
• LEED Platinum designer home in Mt. Adams
• Millard Residence, HERS Net-Xero home
• Hammer Residence on Republic St. in OTR. Brad Cooper, Architect, Developer and Builder. This would be a revisit of our construction tour in January 2018.
• Modular Construction: Urban design and creating affordable housing solutions, Evanston.
Past Tours:
• Mar 16, 2019, 1 until 3 pm, Plevyak Residence – OTR, Potential LEED Platinum renovation with solar panels and geothermal. 1 to 3 pm.
• Feb 16, 2019, 6 until 9 pm, – Boulter House – Clifton, After 15 years living in the Boulter House, Janet and I have moved to another home in Clifton. The home is especially beautiful after staging it for sale, to close in Feb.
The planned USGBC Green Home Tour for the month of February was canceled so I thought this would be a good chance for my Green Building friends to get together and experience the home one last time.
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• Feb 16, 2019, 6 until 9 pm, – Boulter House – Clifton, After 15 years living in the Boulter House, Janet and I have moved to another home in Clifton. The home is especially beautiful after staging it for sale, to close in Feb.
The planned USGBC Green Home Tour for the month of February was canceled so I thought this would be a good chance for my Green Building friends to get together and experience the home one last time.
• Feb 16, 2019, 6 until 9 pm, – Boulter House – Clifton, After 15 years living in the Boulter House, Janet and I have moved to another home in Clifton. The home is especially beautiful after staging it for sale, to close in Feb.
The planned USGBC Green Home Tour for the month of February was canceled so I thought this would be a good chance for my Green Building friends to get together and experience the home one last time.
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