The New Green Cincinnati Plan Recommendations (1-17-13 DRAFT)

Energy Efficiency
1. Marketing of Residential Energy Efficiency
2. Creating a One-Stop-Shop for Energy Efficiency
3. Renewed Focus on Commercial/Industrial Efficiency Efforts
4. Promote Geothermal for New Construction
5. Amended LEED Tax Abatement
6. Green Permitting
7. Building Performance Disclosures
Renewable Energy
1. Lobby State of Ohio to Strengthen the Market for Solar Projects (increase renewable portfolio standard (RPS), bring back the Department of Development’s Solar grant program and adopt ASHRAE standards into new building codes)
2. Use Virtual Net Metering to Allow for Shared Solar Projects
3. Identify and Promote Other Renewable Energy Financing Tools
4. Educate the Public About How the Region’s Electricity is Currently Generated and the Health and GHG Impacts Associated With This Generation
5. Expand Solar Power Purchase Agreement – more solar on city facilities and share experiences so other government entities can use.
1. Develop and Implement a Regional Transit Plan
2. Preserve right-of-way for transit improvements (I-75, I-71, Wasson, Subway, Riverfront Transit Center)
3. Continue Implementation of City’s Bike Plan
4. Best in Class Bike Commuting Program
5. Freight Rail Network Improvements ( Freight and passenger rail impacts)
6. Enhance intercity assets (Amtrak, Midwest Regional Rail, 3C Rail, Greyhound, Megabus)
7. Improve pedestrian connectivity (sidewalks, trails and signals)
8. Interconnect modes
9. Traffic Signal Optimization
10. City Fleet Fuel Efficiency
11. Expand Electric Car Parking program
1. Pay-As-You-Throw
2. Funded, “Best in Class” Marketing Campaign
3. Source Separated Organics Collection-Yard Trimmings and Food Scraps
4. Dedicated E-waste Collection-Permanent drop-off locations and/or curbside collection
5. Develop a Commercial Recycling Plan
6. Develop markets for residential recyclables
7. Enhanced City Facility Waste Management
Local Food
1. Increase city capacity for urban food production through zoning, incentives for food producing land and long term leases that support community gardens, urban farms, and indoor agriculture. Provide garden spaces for community residents (recreation centers, parks, city owned parcels).
2. Promote local sustainable urban agriculture practices (soil testing, cover crops, etc) through training and apprenticeships.
3. Create an accessible database of food production capacity in the city to include location, square footage, etc. (Conduct a land inventory of the city to determine properties suitable for food production such as urban farms, community gardens, municipal edible landscapes.)
4. Support the incorporation of food system features into developer plans to include indoor agriculture, edible forestry, community gardens, etc.
5. Support policies and programs that increase access to healthy, local foods in all neighborhoods through traditional grocery stores and non-traditional channels such as farmers markets, co-ops, corner stores, mobile produce markets, CSA’s, co-locating distribution sites at federal nutrition feeding sites, etc (aligned with PlanCincincinnati)
8. Assess, develop and adopt financial incentives for small to midsize food processors – especially for processors of local fruits and vegetables. Develop local purchasing guidelines and incentives for governments, hospitals and institutions.
9. Support 10% campaign to encourage eating fresh, local foods in homes and businesses.
10. Based on the significant environmental impacts of meat production, promote eating more fruits and vegetables and less animal products.
11. City of Cincinnati recycles its organic material (yard trimmings and food scraps) locally and makes compost available for local food production. Assess, develop and implement a city compost program that assists residents and businesses to compost food waste and food packaging.
12. Raise awareness around food issues through promotion and awareness efforts, including for school aged children
Land Use
1. Mixed Use Centers
2. Infill Vacancy and Brownfields
Land Management
1. Preservation and management of natural corridors (typically along hillsides and streams)
2. Urban forestry that aggressively plants native, pest resistant and where appropriate productive trees and eradicates invasive species that threaten the city’s trees.
3. Continue to incorporate trees and green infrastructure into road right-of-ways as part of “complete streets”
4. Use native low-maintenance plantings to replace mowed areas.
1. Watershed Restoration
2. Water Conservation
3. Management of Combined and Sanitary Overflows
4. Advocacy for Our Fresh Water Supply and Drinking Tap Water
Outdoor Recreation and Nature Awareness
1. Use existing resources better through assessment, marketing and coordination. Recreation facilities come from many city departments (CRC, Parks, DOTE, etc.) and partners (like CPS). It is not clear if residents are aware of these resources or that the city markets these assets in a coordinated fashion.
2. Events like Kids Adventure Outdoor Expo
3. Linking natural areas to urban populations through transit, events, etc.
4. Mentor programs
1. Mitigating Urban Heat Islands
2. Dealing with Prolonged Heat
3. Changes in Growing Zone

(12-10-19 redirect from


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