Sept. 7, 2011 – Alternative Energy Course at Cincinnati State Starts

Sept. 7, 2011 to Nov. 2, 2011 – Cincinnati State Course CET-7985: Alternative Energy Sources

Learn How To Harness The Sun – Nine great tours and! – Solar, Wind, Thermal and Low Impact Hydro-electric Renewable Energy Class starts at Cincinnati State.
Back by popular demand, this set of classes and tours was bumped up to the quarter starting this Wednesday. Each class includes two hours of real world applications from – complete, detailed installations including pricing for every type of renewable energy. And then an hour tour of a local installation. Tours are being confirmed but likely will include:
Green Cincinnati Education Advocacy – Cincinnati’s first LEED Platinum office – demonstrating bio-mass wood sawdust pellet stove which provides over 10% of the energy required for the office.
Cincinnati Zoo LEED Platinum Entry Village and Harold C. Schott Education Center – Come see what it takes to be the Greenest Zoo in the World!
Melink Corporation – One of the world’s first Net-Zero buildings. 100% of its power is renewable. For the class final exam you will be presenting your own Net-Zero project.
Sycamore Township Fire Station – The largest solar PV array in the region at a LEED Certified project.
Cincinnati Park Board – Over 14 sites use renewable energy from the Eden Park headquarters to the Moerlein Lager House. Gerald Checco, Park Board Facilities Superintendent, will give us his insights as well as tell us about his home’s experience building a new garage especially for solar PV.
GreenSource Cincinnati Energy Demonstration Center – Cincinnati’s premier center to learn about everything energy related from chilled beams to a low impact hydro system they helped with in Honduras for Matthew 25: Ministries.
Metropolitan Sewer District LEED Gold Offices – Well see how they are testing three different solar PV technologies.
Green Learning Station of the Civic Garden Center of Cincinnati – Transforms an old gas station into the most educational LEED project in the region.
Boulter House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright – Demonstrating passive solar design, we’ll have an after class get together and discover the roots of sustainability in American architecture.

This is a course on evaluating and implementing alternative energy sources such as geothermal, wind, and photovoltaic (solar) energy for use in building design projects. Meets nine Wednesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. at different alternative energy project locations in the region and then back at the computer lab at Cincinnati State. Lecture Hours: 2, Lab Hours: 3, Credit Hours: 3. The class is open to the public. To register contact instructor Chuck Lohre or CSTCC course administrator Ralph Wells. CSTCC Learn more. Course syllabus.

Excellent for anyone considering renewable power alternatives including geothermal.

Members learn how to evaluate and decide on all aspects of renewable or alternative energy production. Classes are on Wednesdays from 6 to 9 pm with computer lab open to 10:20 pm. The end of one class is a tour and passive solar analysis of the Frank Lloyd Wright Boulter House in nearby Clifton. Photo: Gerald Checco, Superintendent of Operations Cincinnati Park Board,  pointing out the Melink solar panels that power the LED sign outside the Krohn Conservatory in Eden Park. Contact us or Ralph Wells to register for the 9 week session starting Feb. 9, 2011 at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223.

The following is a past course syllabus:

1  – Passive solar, Intro and outline
Tour: Boulter House, 1 Rawson Woods Circle, Cin., OH 45220, Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
Balance of class in Room 144 Cincinnati State
• articles
1. Passive Cooling Part 1 HP82_pg84_Mossberg.pdf
2. Passive Cooling – Part II HP83_pg66_Mossberg.pdf
3. Sun-Wise Design HP105_pg38_Chiras.pdf
4. DesigingYour Place InSunHP116_pg62_Rucker_Coleman.pdf
5. Designing with Daylight HP109_pg40_Herman.pdf
6. Home Sweet Solar HomeHP90_pg86_Olson.pdf
7. REsources HP118_pg92_RE-Sources.pdf
8. Top 10 Eco-FriendlyHP104_pg34_Connor.pdf
9. Window Shopping HP117_pg56_Boulac.pdf
Class presentations:
Selected materials which include:
1. THE HOUSE BOOK, Phaidon Publishers
2. AMERICAN BUILDING, The environmental forces that shape it, James Marston Fitsch,
3. WRIGHTSCAPES, Charles E. Aguar and Berdeana Aguar, McGraw Hill publisher
Additional Reading: Syllabus and LEED NC Summary handouts
Class presentations:
• LEED NC:  SS 7.1, 7.2, 8; EA p1, p2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; MR 5.1, 5.2; EQ 1, 2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1 Daylight, 7.2 Views
• review as textbook for course and registration
Required information to calculate EA c2
1. Building type
2. Square feet
3. Location
4. Renewable source(s)
5. Backup energy type
6. Annual energy generated
7 Rated capacity
8. Narrative explaining the calculation method used to estimate the annual energy generated in dollars

2 – Solar thermal
Tour: Tentative, Earth Connection, Mount St Joseph College Campus, 370 Neeb Rd., Cin., OH 45233, 513-451-3932
Balance of class in Room 144 Cincinnati State
• Solar thermal articles
1. Shading Analysis, By Simon Politzer, Oct/Nov 2008 (#127) pp. 22
2. Radiant Floor with PSD? (Ask the Experts: )By Jim McKnight, Aug/Sep 2008 (#126) pp. 14
3. Solar Hydronic Space Heating HP126_pg92_Bickford.pdf
4. Solar Heat Upgrade HP119_pg88_Marsden.pdf
5. Solar Heating 3 in 1 HP101_pg72_Sweetman.pdf
6. Soaking in the Sun HP116_pg86_Blakey.pdf
7. Creating Affordable Solar Apartments HP115_pg82_Stefanik.pdf
8. A Solar Heated Greenhouse HP96_pg48_Lane.pdf
9. Solar Heating in the North HP115_pg56_Blaylock.pdf
10. Experiments with Solar Hot Air Collectors HP72_pg34_Seip.pdf
Class presentations:
Selected materials which may include:
1. Beyond Light Bulbs by Susan Meredith, ISBN 978-1-934572-07-8
2. LEED Profiles,
3. Renewables Are Ready by Nancy Cole and P.J. Skerrett, ISBN 0-930031-73-3
4. Earth Connection 6 System description sheets
5. Solar Living by Better Homes and Garadens, ISBN 0-696-02166
6. Energy Technology and Directions for the Future by John R. Fanchi, ISBN 0-12-248291-3
7. Geo News, Solar Thermal Consumer Guide, March 2009
8. USGBC New Construction & Major Renovation Version 2.2 Reference Guide Third Edition October 2007, ISBN 978-1-932444-06-3
• Quiz

3 – Geothermal (tru-geothermal USGBC approved non-vapor recovery)
Tour: TBD, Zero Energy Home? Westwood, Nutter Home?, Potterhill?
Balance of class in Room 144 Cincinnati State
Geothermal (non compressive vapor (HCFC) systems)
• articles about geo-thermal, thermal vents
1. High Design High Performance HP123_pg34_Davidson.pdf
2. Home Heating Basics HP123_pg50_Thorne_Amann.pdf
3. Solar Hot Water Storage HP131_pg70_Mehalic.pdf
4. Hot & Cold Running Energy HP129_pg80_Woofenden.pdf
5. Climbing the Energy Everest HP125_pg46_Tyree.pdf
6. Stretch Your Energy Dollars HP112_pg82_Davidson.pdf
8. Ask the Experts Letter: Geothermal Heating
9. Solar Pool Heating Basics HP94_pg70_Lane.pdf
Class presentations:
• Energy 10 Manual Review
• No quiz given

4 – Solar PV, Solar thermal, vapor recovery geo-thermal, bio-mass, new wind turbine
Tour: Harold C. Schott Education Center at the CINCINNATI ZOO AND BOTANICAL GARDEN, LEED NC Silver. The New Entry Village, LEED Platinum, Gift Shop LEED Gold, and Transit Center LEED Gold will also be toured. Corner Erkenbrecher Ave. and Dury Ave., Cin., OH 45220, (Zoo address 3400 Vine St, Cin., OH 45220), get parking code if needed.
Balance of class in Room 144 Cincinnati State
1. Money from the Sun HP100_pg86_Symanski.pdf
2. One System Leads to Another HP100_pg46_Mestel.pdf
3. Code Corner HP55_pg82_CodeCorner.pdf
4. Home Power’s 24 Volt System HP77_pg30_Perez.pdf
5. Ozonal Notes HP75_pg152_OzonalNotes.pdf
6. PV Energy Payback HP127_pg32_Sanchez.pdf
7. PV Module Buyer’s Guide HP128_pg78_Sanchez.pdf
8. Solar-Electric Awnings HP112_pg30_Woodthorpe.pdf
9. Solar-Electric Systems Simplified HP104_pg72_Russell.pdf
10. String Theory HP125_pg66_Mayfield.pdf
Class presentations:
• Selected material

5 –  Wind & Solar PV
Tour and speaker: Tentative, Eden Park, Cincinnati Park Board Headquarters, near Gilbert and Park Aves. they have wind and solar PV. Gerald Checco, Cincinnati Park Board Superintendent will give the tour.
Balance of class in Room 144 Cincinnati State
1. Off the Beaten Path HP126_pg76_Mingle.pdf
2. How to Buy HP131_pg38_Sagrillo.pdf
3. A Second Wind HP130_pg84_Woofenden.pdf
4. Bringing Sustainability Home HP127_pg56_Joslin.pdf
5. RE Independence in Nicaragua  HP123_pg94_Karelas.pdf
6. Wind Turbine Buyer’s Guide HP119_pg34_Sagrillo.pdf
7. Getting Started HP120_pg44_Woofenden.pdf
8. Desert Orientation HP128_pg32_Davidson.pdf
9. Wind Power Curves HP127_pg92_Woofenden.pdf
10. How Tall is Too Tall HP126_pg84_Raichle.pdf
Class presentations:
• Selected materials.
Balance of class in Room 144 Cincinnati State
Mid-term exam: On EA Credit 2 Renewable Energy Sources, Another essay like last.

6 – Traditional (non-USGBC approved) geo-thermal
Tour: TBD, Sharonville Fire Station?
Balance in Room 144 Cincinnati State

Low impact hydro will be covered
• articles on hydro power
1. From Water to Wire HP76_pg8_Talbot.pdf
2. Water Rites HP122_pg52_Aronson.pdf
3. A Batteryless Utility Intertie Microhydro HP80_pg34_Johnson.pdf
4. Pipeline HP125_pg56_Ostermeier.pdf
5. A Microhydro Learning Experience HP76_pg64_Woofenden.pdf
6. Induction Motors for Small-Scale Hydro HP71_pg36_Haveland.pdf
7. Low-Head Microhydro HP124_pg76_Greacen.pdf
8. Microhydro Intake Design HP124_pg68_Ostermeier.pdf
9. The Electric Side of Hydro Power HP126_pg68_Ostermeier.pdf
Class presentations:
1. Harvesting Ocean Energy, ISBN 92-3-101873-6
2. Energy from the Waves, David Ross, ISBN-08-026715-7
3. Energy Technology and Directions for the Future by John R. Fanchi, ISBN 0-12-248291-3
4. Power with Nature, Rex A. Ewing, ISBN 0-9658098-5-4

7 – Bio mass – Tentative, Green Source, 19 E. 8th St., Cincinnati, OH 45202
1. Turning Waste into Fuel HP116_pg92_Adler.pdf
2. Responsible Wood Heating HP99_pg72_Gulland.pdf
Balance in Room 144 Cincinnati State

• Selected materials
Quiz: Essay: How do you calculate EA Credit 2 Renewable Energy?
Paper due on a v3 2009 EA 2 On-site Renewable Energy project using Biofuel-based electrical systems. Fill out entire LEED NC template. Size the unit to supply 13% of the building’s annual energy cost.

Paper due on a v3 2009 EA 2 On-site Renewable Energy project using Geothermal based systems. Fill out entire LEED NC template. Size the unit to supply 13% of the building’s annual energy cost.

8 – Combined systems: Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Battery systems

Tour: TBD, John Robbins home visit video.

9 – Tentative, Melink Corporation, 5140 River Valley Road, Milford, OH 45150, (513) 965-7300, tour as part of the Cincinnati State Alternative Energy Sources course, RSVP to or call 513-260-9025 for more information. There is no charge for the tour. Call if you get lost or are running late. ******
1. Clearing the Air HP100_pg32_HPCrew.pdf
2. High Design High Performance SolarDecath HP123_pg34_Davidson.pdf
3. Solar Stewardship HP129_pg48_Patterson.pdf
4. The Solar Decathlon HP96_pg56_Yewdall.pdf
5. A Solar Ammonia HP53_pg20_Vanek.pdf
6. Green from the Ground HP122_pg80_McKnight.pdf
Class presentations:
• Energy 10 Software review and PV example modeling
Final exam:
Documentation, narrative and presentation – Prepare LEED documentation for a zero outside energy house only using LEED approved renewable energy resources

(11-27-19 301 redirect done)


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