Categories: Greenbuild

ARC Building and Occupant Performance Dashboard – Greenbuild 2018

ARC is a global reporting and comparison platform for LEED projects and building that just submit their performance data.


“This is the building. This is the square foot area, operating hours, how many people are in the building, and where are you located. These simple pieces of information, really help determine and give insight from that data.”

Greenbuild 2018 – Lohre-LEED-Dynamic-Plaque-Score

For example, if it were a very large building, with multiple transient occupants, that’s a convention center. If you have a very large building with people regularly throughout the week, that could be a shopping complex. If you have a building that runs 40 hours or 60 hours a week, that’s an office building. So, there are insights, just on these simple pieces of information that tell us the kind of building that it is.

Greenbuild LEED Dynamic Plaque Energy

Next, you provide easily available data that you might already have. How many of you track energy and water for your own assets or portfolio? Almost every building has this piece of information. It’s very easy to get started. You’re looking at 12 consecutive months of data that can be entered into ARC, and there are many ways to do that, portfolio manager, an excel template, a building automation system, or just typing it directly into the interface.

Lohre-LEED-Dynamic-Plaque-Water – Greenbuild 2018

The other pieces of information, waste, transportation, and human experience, can also be simplified and perhaps, easily collected. For example, with waste, we’re looking at, at least one waste analysis in the year. How many of you have conducted a waste audit, previously? Awesome. So, we’re looking for the quantity of waste generated and the quantity of waste diverted.

Lohre-LEED-Dynamic-Plaque-Waste – Greenbuild 2018

The big question, how does this data become a score? When you provide us with these pieces of information, it goes into the ARC platform as the data input. It then gets compared with similar projects within the platform, and then you get a score, depending on where you are, across the board, across the globe. The global piece is really critical, and the performance core really determines where you stand.

Lohre-LEED-Dynamic-Plaque-Transportation -Greenbuild 2018

Another important piece of this is, is my score current, or how is my score current? What you are looking to do, is look back at the most recent 365 days of one year, and tell you how you’re performing today, at any point in time, at any time of the day. That’s how current your score is.

Lohre-LEED-Dynamic-Plaque-Human-Experience-Greenbuild 2018

At any point of the time, we are looking … ARC looks back at 365 days worth of data, from month one to month twelve. You might provide energy data across those 12 months, water data, conductor waste audit, conductor survey that collects transportation and human experience, and conduct an air quality evaluation for CO2 and PVOC.

What you see on the screen is the ideal situation, where all the information is collected in the same 12 month period. How many of you have seen your score go to zero on one day, for waste or transportation? It’s because the data was already dated. Right? It was older than it was 365. For example, if I conducted the transportation survey in October of last year, today, it would not be current, and my score would be zero.”


We have implemented ARC in our LEED Platinum office. Learn more from our blog post, “Is LEED Dynamic Plaque Good for Green Building Marketing?” If you would like to volunteer to help implement the ARC Building Performance Measurement System program at the Contemporary Arts Center (CAC) in Cincinnati, get in touch: Chuck Lohre,, 513-260-9025. We are contributing the fees and volunteering to do the setup and reporting.

The CAC has also signed up for the 2030 District in downtown Cincinnati. It’s an energy reporting platform that compares your EUI to other projects in your region and the world. Learn more about the benchmark (Commercial Building Energy Reporting) that the 50 to 100% net zero energy results are measured.


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